fredag 27 januari 2012

A new fanzin

I don´t have any more information about my new manga the Hospital( sorry),  But I am currently working on a new fanzin, a smaller fanzi thats is a comedy, and it is going to be cheap( runt 10-12 kr) I am not sure if I am going to sell it outside Sweden but if that happens I let you know.

is´a smaller comic named The manga hunt, it´s on English, you read it to the left to the right
some more small info here

tisdag 17 januari 2012

A new start!

As you all know I am constantly working on my web manga  LOVE IS..

But now when it´s a new year I made up my mind to start working on a new project :D
It is only a short comic, 8 paged long drama/comedy comic named THE  HOSPITAL.
Going to be in black and white whit some screen toned and you are going to read it left to the right, my goal is to finish this comic in the end February or in March .
here is a small picture on the face of the main charter
It is a female charterer and her name is Mia. She is just a little girl in the age of six, that all information I have right now on the comic .

Bye ^^

fredag 6 januari 2012

Work and ice cream

First entry this year, hope you all have a good year so far :)
What am I doing now :Finishing one big school project, finishing an other manga , starting a new one , drawing on the web manga, and drawing illustrations, yeah many things to do in the air, can´t show you all yet, not even a sneak peek I am very sorry , but things are going on and I will show it when it´s ready on the blog here .

Today I have made my very first ice cream , turn out pretty nice, melted a bit and its a small portion but it was good, nowadays there is product for almost everything, The soda stream is so nice you can make your own mineral water, whit or whiteout different flavors.Works well in Sweden because we have such nice water it´s a shame that people still buy mineral water in bottles,but we all have our reasons.

And one last ting here is a picture of the ice cream :)