lördag 1 november 2014



I am going to keep doing Disney princesses, one each week(every Friday) I will also live stream it and make a speed painting of it.

Hit for next princess I am going to draw:
"In dreams you lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for, you keep"

Here is some more explanation what is going on A while ago I started a project that named The Coin it is going to be a emotional animation. Well I started to do sketches and story board  and planning how it was going to be but then when I sat don I could not draw it, and this has happens many times now I am also studding 100% for the moment so I mostly got time at the weekends, I guess I don´t want to draw the coin right now I am having troubles to come up whit own original material So thats is how I come up whit the idea of Disney princesses I think if I do fan-art actively it might make me want to do my own project in the future again.I will make sure to do a fan art every week and so far whit my drawing I feel very happy whit it and what I am doing so I will keep on drawing fan art like this.:) 
I am most active at my Deviant art http://bluedream-sh.deviantart.com/

onsdag 17 september 2014

THE COIN short emotional animation in progress

I am planning on doing a short emotional animation.
Characters,art style and story still in development!

More information can you find here at my Deviantart at http://bluedream-sh.deviantart.com/art/The-Coin-482864672

To get more updates on this project please go to my Devinatart athttp://bluedream-sh.deviantart.com/

tisdag 29 juli 2014


Hi! I have started drawing more originals.Planning on selling them later on.

Here is some pictures of them

torsdag 29 maj 2014

tisdag 13 maj 2014


The Map of SIS me and another seller is going to sit at the red ring.
We will be there this saturday and sunday 12-17
See you all there!
What I will be selling:
Stickers (10 kr per styck)
Screen prints(20-30 kr per styck)
Pins(5-10 kr per styck)
2 lamanet drawings(10 kr per styck)
Old prints(15-20 kr per styck)
More info of what I am selling is at My Da Journal http://bluedream-sh.deviantart.com/

söndag 9 mars 2014


 I made a new test picture of the charter and I want to know from you which one you like the most.The New one or the old one.you can comment here or vote on my poll at my Deviantart

New one

Old One

I made a logo to my upcoming comic blueDREAM(the logo is on the right) it will be a longer going on comic whit 4 comic panels every week.
The visual theme is blue,white and black,there will be no text in the comic ,only drawings.
The story is about the girl one the left and you go along whit her dream.blueDREAM is for kids friendly and will wake up the child inside you.
The first comic of blueDream will be out next week, stay tuned.

fredag 7 mars 2014


I made a logo to my upcoming comic blueDREAM(the logo is on the right) it will be a longer going on comic whit 4 comic panels every week.
The visual theme is blue,white and black,there will be no text in the comic ,only drawings.
The story is about the girl one the left and you go along whit her dream.blueDREAM is for kids friendly and will wake up the child inside you.
The first comic of blueDream will be out next week, stay tuned.


onsdag 5 mars 2014

SIS 2014/Stockholm international comic festival 2014

SIS 2014/Stockholm international comic festival 2014

Hey all I will be on the 
Stockholm international comic festival in May and sell my artwork.

No time or date is quite settled yet but I will let you know.
Now I really need to make some more art I am so excited!!!

Link to their website

tisdag 21 januari 2014


      I have made some stickers of my pictures I did in the end of last year.
 I did it by myself cutting out every picture and made it into a sticker, it took about 7 hours to finish all the stickers by hand which I tough was quite a long time but it ended up lovely  ^__^.

fredag 10 januari 2014

Calendar 2014

                            A little late but I made a small good to go calendar for 2014.
The illustrations is from late in the last year.I just wanted to make it clean and simple, just something cute you can have whit you to check the dates. Here is the pictures for the months:
                                    Hope that you all have a wonderful 2014 :) .