fredag 27 maj 2011


Yes with a hard work I actually succeeded to  create fanzies :D(Woho!)
I have created two different fanzies :
1. Where it all started fanzie no.01(to the right in the picture)
- The dog
- The wish
2. Somewhere in the middle fanzie no.02(to the left in the picture)
And they both have a color front and back(and I even change the way of reading so instead of reading right to the left it`s left to the right) !!!
But I won`t start selling them this year(sorry)  they will only be in sell in Sweden (double sorry)
But I hope I can sell thees fanzies next year

Picture form inside the  book Where it all started

Pictures form inside of the book Somewhere in the middle

Fits of all :I made thees fanzies because  I wanted to learn  how to make fanzies.
Second : I also wanted to make all these old comic I have created in two different book and i can look and see my old work and to keep moving on with my new comics and work.
I am sorry to say that I have not upload  any of my new work but thats because I want to use it for magazines, competitions and so on so I`m much more careful what I put on the  Internet.
I can`t really say when I will put up my newer comics that I am working on , but I am working on my comics !
But I create much more illustrations now so if you are board you can always look at my deviantart sometimes :)

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