måndag 9 maj 2011

Pictures from the exhibiton

Pictures from the exhibition , only photographs in my work so if you want to see the other artist work you have too check  out the exhibition( I also did not upload pictures of the others artist work because It`s their art work and I don`t really have the right showing up things without their permission and so on)

Here is some photographs I have taken that  is in sell(Ps. sorry for the bad picture the glass reflects a lot)

And their is my picture show wall^^, Its the movie Konflikt and Bye Bye Mr Butterfly (I have this vedios on Youtube)

Link to Konflikt picture showhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKNXwCo97Fg

Link to Bye Bye MR Butterfly picture showhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o96eIVKoknk

And at at last their is my enormous comic wall with me in the picture

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