torsdag 22 december 2011

New prodjects

working on a new prodject right now for school, is a smaller 8 page´s a dark drama manga.
I don´t got any picture to show this time but I will later on(and I am working on more comics that will come up in januari, or febuari.Anyway I am working on  many prodjects at once and I hope to finish them to next year :)

And Merry x-mas ^_^

onsdag 14 december 2011

A year!

I had this blog for a year now , So what have I done this year?
-printed fanzies
-been in exhibits
-Writing about video games
-I started my web manga
- Show pictures from Japan

And... a lot of other thing that I can´t recall, and a while ago I made this small picture as a thank you picture for you all reading this blog, or just looking at it, Thank you .

tisdag 29 november 2011

style change

Some days ago I went trough my old usb(it have old art of mine) and looked at some picture I made and I thought it was interesting comparing were I was then and where I am now.
This is my old work, I think I made it around 2008, got very dark and dramatic, at this time I draw b´very much traditional
.This is my new work made it in 2011/this year and i am now drawing all my illustrations digital, but I am still drawing my comics traditionally and digital.

thats all for this entry ^_^ bye

lördag 19 november 2011

Baking time!

Been a while sense I baked last time (lats time was in april) , I not good at baking but I think it´s fun and I like sweets ^-^.
I just made simple brownies,the recipe is on  the box XD! anyway here it is :)
But I do recommend  this blog with yummy baking recipes , I haven´t tried them yet but it´s looks delicious
(the blog is on Swedish )!!

måndag 24 oktober 2011

Finding inspiration

To draw you need inspiration , and you can find inspiration in a lot of different things.
If you feel stuck and don`t know what to draw look at the favorite mangas that you are inspired by( it often helps med to start drawing when I´m stuck) ofcourse it´s not easy to decide which one that is your favorite artist, I am inspirer by plenty different books.
The books I look in when I´m stuck, I admire  Matsuri Hino(Vampier knight), Hisae Iwaoka(Deapth of the dreams) and Mochizuki Jun(Pandora hearts) they are big inspirations for me.

A very good way of get plenty of inspiration is to meet up with your friends( that draw comics and have a favorite artist)and talk about the different books you are inspired about. It helped me discovering different type of books that I would not even normally look at.

At least there is  the Internet, there is plenty of inspiration here.

söndag 16 oktober 2011

working late

I got a brand new desk in my apartmanet, wich means I can work late :D(whooh) still don´t have a printer and a scanner at home thou, but I´ll get that later.

Here is some music I´m listing to while I´m working on the web manga, the songs comes from the end of appeased, a very beautiful animated action movie:
working on page 26 right now of "LOVE IS.." here is a sketch of the page:
 web comic:

söndag 25 september 2011

Tusch(ink) exhibition

right now in the s college school in Gävle there is an small exhibition, that our class is involved ,
it´s an ink exhibition  that contains  different fantasy creatures, the exhibition will active around two weeks  in Fårhallen(in Gävle högskola)and it´s for free  :)

Here is some pictures from the exhibition
More pictures can you find in Gävle Högskola, Fårhallen.  :)

fredag 16 september 2011

Staffet serier ! :D

(Swedish only!)
Yay för några dagar sedan gjorde jag inklusive 20 stycken till eller flera staffet serier , De här sidorna är några av sidorna vi gjorde klart, felsta rutor var med blyerts men strunt i samma :). De flesta serie historiena började seriöst men det slutade med ett flummigt resultat, men det gör inget det var kul.

För dig som inte känner till  staffet serier:
Du bildar ett gäng med kompisar(desto fler desto bättre) sedan har ni klart layouten/rut ramana på varje sida
( oftast användds 2 sidor som max)sen sätter ni er med pennor och tecknar matrial i en ring, eller på något sätt så ni kan rotera sidorna. Obs alla rutor inklusive när du skrive titeln går på tid för att göra saker och ting svårare, mer pressande och roligare.Först börjar du med titels som man brukar skriva ovanför första rutan efetr du har gjort det och tiden går ut så roterar du till din andra kamrat(som har roterat sin egen sida med).Sen jobbar kamraten med första rutan( de större rutorna behöver oftast mer tid), och sickar sedan iväg det till nästa kamrat, osv.
Staffet serier är oftats mest på skoj så lek med handligen av serien, teckan även så mycket du kan på din tid, tänj på dina gränser lite, men glöm inte av tiden.


måndag 5 september 2011

new things

I draw on full time now/ studding comics  (yeayyy!)  I am working on much more projects then I use to now, it is fun but a bit stressful , but it is totally worth it  xD and I have like the nicest comic buddy's in the class !
it is so nice to study something you are REALLY interested in , I would recommend it to all of you, don´t be afraid to take a risk :) .

oh here is my drawing tabel, whit a lamp , papers ,light table(ljus bord) . weeiii so pretty but messy ^^!!

i also wanted to say thank you readers in this entry for reading my blog, looking at my deviantart and my web manga.I don´t got so much contact to so many others comic artist or manga artist so if it weren't for you guys i would not gotten so far as I have.
Thank you so much !

måndag 29 augusti 2011

SS fanart

Made a SS( Sayonara september ,a swedish manga created by Åsa Ekström) fanart. I made Alex, which is a female character from the series, she is so so bald cool and oh boy I wish I had her courage*_* .  
Anyway  ,you can find the fanart at her blog
or you can just look at the picture under this text :) .

fredag 26 augusti 2011

Color plans

in the end of last moth I wrote at my web manga page that I was going to make characters in color , it wolud be nice to see them in colors not only in black and withe . Anyway here I have drawn a very basic panting of the three important characters, full body, face expression and so on( I hope I did not kept you waiting too long for this).

This color panting was done all digital in illustrator and elements( I want to become a digital manga artist), I do all my illustration digital actually but I am still drawing by hand and scan the pages in when it come to comic pages.
 am I  going to put all the color paintings on the web manga comic page later on^_^.

link to web manga site:

onsdag 17 augusti 2011


Much things is going on now, I´m moving out of Goteborg to full fill my dream to become a real manga artist and illustrator!

I thought as a good bye to my dear Goteborg I created a panting of a flower that´s very abstract with ink and some Japaneses letters  to my favorite café, (café Elena in Eriksberg)And this panting will be framed and hanging in the café Elena in Eriksberg ^-^ .
The panting when it is not framed, I would like to take a picture of the panting framed , hanging in café Elena, but unfortunately I finished this in the last second so I did not have time to take a photo of it in the café when it´s framed.

lördag 16 juli 2011

Web comic

I have stated a web manga now at smackjeeves

The web manga name is "LOVE IS.." it´s a drama thriller done in black and white(some screen tones too)
 This small text describes a little about the manga:
"Victor moves out to live his own life, to live a better life, but the life he has chosen is not getting any better. How will Victor handle love or death when it comes his way?"

Right now I am working on love is the novel version but after I´m done with that I will create the longer version
 I don´t want to say anything more, I hope you all find it interesting :)

fredag 1 juli 2011

Time to draw!

I went to a very good store today and updated my drawing equipment( haven't bought real pencils and papers in ages)   Here is a picture of what I bought:
some papers,ink, and pencils. I want to become a digital manga artist but I just love the feeling to have paper on my desk filld with ink insted of having all my pagers that I am workin on in my computer, But either way I want to develop more and become a good manga artist ^^ .

torsdag 16 juni 2011

This is amazing !

This is amazing!
On three days I have inked and finished a hole 15 pages!! this is a record form me!(woah! I feel so great ^^)
Tomorrow I will start finish screen tones and use raster so it looks good and nice, so tomorrow will be digital work all 9 hours !(gambatsu!) 
Feels great to finish project but still... a bit sad to leave it ;_;

tisdag 14 juni 2011

Sneak peek

I have not put a comic on the intent sense 2010 and i feel pretty bad about it ( I am sorry!)..

Anyway here is a sneak peek of a comic I am creating in full speed( will not be a long comic tho, I want it to be 10 pages because I have it harder to create small manga novels so it`s more of a challenge) .
My manga style has change much comparing to my older comics .

måndag 13 juni 2011

comic summer School

I`m in a comic summer school in Kvarby ( Kvarby is a very big comic school in Sweden ) I will draw like a idiot in love for the next four weeks :D(wooho)!!!

todays task was to create four t version of the same pictures but to do it with different brushes and pencils in 30 minutes, here is the result:

I did not have time to create the last one but still I feel happy with my result^^.
The one in the bottom of the right side i drawn with green pencil( it was the one I had no time to finish.)
                                                                      close up 1
                                                                 close up 2

söndag 5 juni 2011

Comisson Poster

I have started doing commissions now at Deviantart !

interested ? here is what you do :
message me(at my deviantart) and write what you desire for picture. Please explain Clearly what you want, For characters please leave description and anything else that can help in the production.

If you have a request just message me and we can surely come to agreement:)

My Deviantart

Comission poster© BlueUmi/ Bluepanda

fredag 3 juni 2011

Small venissage

I have finished my three years in college now and the  my family have always been by my back and supported me  to show my art I have cerated this   three years, so I made a small venissage the day I graduate.
So here some of my art :)

 To see the photographs  in better quality look at my deviantart gallery
or at youtube
  I have cerated all in this phoograf in my third year accept the mirros edge panting in the corner(cerated it in my second year). See the panting better here

                                                     Some sculptures I have cerated.

 I created the Sweeney Todd panting in the corner in my second year.
 Fanzie No 1 created in my third year

 Fanzie no 02 created in my third year

 Crated these color sketches in my third year(experimenting with colors is fun.)

 Made for the conflict movie
here is the conflict movie if you want to watch it
Created this in my third year.

 This is an simple ocarina (Dose not look like it). This  thing took me five lessons to complete(one lesson is about two hours) and this can only come out in one tune. it was  Here is the tune of it if you are interested of hear it
Made this ocarina in my first year.
 A nose handle I have never used so far XD(made this nose handle in my first year)

                                              The hand(made this in my first year)
                                         Kick off fan art I made this in my second year in college
                              (  Ps I have never been good at doing sculptures but it`s fun)

Thats All I have to offer :) Hope it has been interesting to look at it.

fredag 27 maj 2011


Yes with a hard work I actually succeeded to  create fanzies :D(Woho!)
I have created two different fanzies :
1. Where it all started fanzie no.01(to the right in the picture)
- The dog
- The wish
2. Somewhere in the middle fanzie no.02(to the left in the picture)
And they both have a color front and back(and I even change the way of reading so instead of reading right to the left it`s left to the right) !!!
But I won`t start selling them this year(sorry)  they will only be in sell in Sweden (double sorry)
But I hope I can sell thees fanzies next year

Picture form inside the  book Where it all started

Pictures form inside of the book Somewhere in the middle

Fits of all :I made thees fanzies because  I wanted to learn  how to make fanzies.
Second : I also wanted to make all these old comic I have created in two different book and i can look and see my old work and to keep moving on with my new comics and work.
I am sorry to say that I have not upload  any of my new work but thats because I want to use it for magazines, competitions and so on so I`m much more careful what I put on the  Internet.
I can`t really say when I will put up my newer comics that I am working on , but I am working on my comics !
But I create much more illustrations now so if you are board you can always look at my deviantart sometimes :)

onsdag 25 maj 2011

Baking ,The Cake

Yes I made a cake for my boyfriend birthday , it was suppose too look like the cake from Portal but it`s not XD, but it reminds me of it. I don`t know why but baking is fun  and it taste good in the end (I think it makes me feel more relaxed because I`am taking a break from drawing comics) , The chocolate cake is based on a French chocolate cake recipe, and the I added a candle, some berry's and cream. very simpel

Picture of the original portal cake:

My cake is also available to see at my deviantart